To Advertising of 2013 and beyond

It is no secret that advertising is going digital, moving from the older print age. If I were to teach the youth of today about advertising there are several things I would make sure they knew.

This is one of the most dynamic and creative industries, one that changes rapidly. Advertising has changed in many ways due to new trends, different audiences, and different products.   The advertising industry holds more change than the previous 80 years. Increasingly empowered consumers, more ever-evolving technologies are redefining how advertising is sold, created, consumed and tracked.

Today consumers are increasingly in control of how they view and interact with the media.  This happens by filtering the advertising in a multichannel world, by shifting their attention from traditional TV to skipping ads, sharing and rating tools.  Thanks to technology, advertising is pushed forward by the introduction of new innovations and approaches for controlling online intelligence.

Advertisers are constantly trying to monitor and measure the amount of data across the web.  While social metrics like tweets, likes, comments and mentions record the consumer engagement, companies have yet to determine how these connections drive a company’s growth.  In the next few years’ companies will be able to connect the dots between engagement and customer possession.

With the rise of the smartphone, advertisers have been taking advantage of this method of online consumption.  Mobile ad clicks and purchases have been low, but in the years to come a new generation of mobile networks should support even better online experiences, creating more opportunities for advertisers.

With methods evolving and changing so rapidly, who knows where advertising will take us in the next five years.  Over the past decade there have bee massive changes to the digital advertising industry but the main objective to sell the idea or product remains the same.  As an advertiser you want to build a relationship with you customer and the brand. Building relationships are one of the most important aspect to hooking your customer. After all the change, some things just stay the same.

How ready are you?

In the upcoming year I will have finished a second degree at Radford University in Communications- Advertising and Graphic Design.  I felt that obtaining both of these would greatly help me for my future career.  Having all of these degrees state I know what I am doing is wonderful, unless I really do know what I am doing.  So do I?

After reading Jeremy Poter’s Blog article, Skills Entry-Level PR Hires Should Have, I really started to think: “Am I ready for a future in Communications”?

He has a great point to state that one should go and experience life before working the 9-5 everyday right after school.  When I graduated with my first degree in graphic design I jumped right in without any experience.  I wish I had taken the time to know myself and develop my skills a little more.  This would have given me an upper hand on the performance and skill set I brought to the table.

Now that I am back in school, I feel more confident that I made the right decision to further my education in the communication-advertising field.  I had the writing skills, internship experience, social media experience, and multimedia experience but not as much as I thought.  Even now, taking advertising classes and working on these group projects are helping me strengthen my skill set.

In a year from now…Heck…Three years from now, I hope to have the knowledge to be able to hook that job.  I believe that I will be prepared for the past media, in hopes to develop and continue to work with the new- not yet invented future. 


Read Jeremy’s Article for more insight. CLICK HERE!  

Smile while Driving…Das Auto

What is conversational marketing?  This is relationship formed by advertising for the new age of advertising. It involves personalized communication that can be written, verbal, online, etc.  And it involves listening.  One has to listen to the discussions that are happening about the brand and ask to be involved in the interaction.  Relationships are something that are formed, but conversations are ongoing and evolving.  This requires both the consumer and brand/product to participate. By both parties included, this strengthens the relationship.

An example of this would be the interactive advertising from Volkswagen. Soon there is going to be an app that gauges how much fun you’re having on trips in the car.  This app is for Android and is apart of Google’s  “Art, Copy & Code” initiative.    It should be released this summer, right when all the road trips begin.  It goes hand in hand with building a relationship with brand and consumer.  Volkswagen is trying to build this happy have adventure outlook by providing an app their audience can relate to.  Social media is all the rage and why not add another app that can track your every move.  The risks of this are some bugs that may come from this and possible hacks?  It hasn’t been released yet so I would have to write more when summer comes.


Click here to check it out

A Day in the Life

After all the jobs in advertising, my dream job is to be a creative director.  Their job is translate marketing objectives into creative designs, strategies and plans.  They manage graphic design, web development, concept development, copywriting, advertising and promotions.  This requires someone who is passionate, self-motivated, resourceful, and have pristine design and leadership skills.

Here would be a day in the life of my dream job:

7:30 am:  My third snooze alarm is going off.

7:35 am:  I finally get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom.

8:15 am:  I grab the juice from the fridge and scarf down some toast.

8:20 am: I quickly check my work email from my iPhone (lifesaver). Luckily all that’s there is a meeting notice for later in the week.

8:25 am: I  grab my key’s , bag, and head to the car

8:40am: I run through the drive through at Starbucks, thank God traffic isn’t too bad this morning.

9:00am: I am settled at my desk and have gone through the additional emails I received from the time I left the house till now.  There are a couple of revision requests and one new urgent project from the servicing director (a huge client we have).

9:35am: I check all my social media accounts, keeping updated on the world.

10:00am: Thee client is now calling me directly. I now have to stop everything I was working on to meet for a brainstorming session with my available graphic designers.

12:00pm: The brainstorming is complete! LUNCH??? Not yet.  I still have 2 other graphic requests to go over with my designers and copywriters before our meeting at 2pm.  I also have the servicing director come to my desk back and forth.

12:10pm: Since this is everyone’s lunchtime, the office is loud so I shut my door and drown out everything with my iPod.  Thank God for earphones and closed doors.

1:20pm: I finally get to take a couple minutes and scarf down some lunch.  Jimmy Johns is a lifesaver.  Love the club lulu.

2:00pm: Everything was delivered on time to the client director’s liking!  He is going to present at the client meeting.  The graphic design department isn’t going to be involved in the meeting, but I’ve learned how to communicate our ideas and get the point across.

2:45pm: I get a call from Donna, our admin up front.   My print vendor rep is here with my calendar proof.  Since we are printing a couple projects in 4-color process, I always want to make sure everything is up to par.

3:00pm: I proof the entire piece and of course find a few mistakes.  I mark them up and request a second proof.  I also spend some time chitchatting with the rept.  It is very important to build relationships and you’ll never know if you need them later down the road.

4:00pm: Is it the end of the day yet?

4:20pm: I was going through a couple missed calls and several emails.  The servicing director is back from his meeting with the client feedback.  More changes.  Gotta love how our clients make changes constantly.  The copywriters are updating some files and I have to check them before I leave the office.

5:45pm: 15minutes couldn’t come soon enough!

6:07pm: I am packed up and rushing out the door to make it to the AIGA board meeting.

6:30pm:I arrive at out meeting.  Being involved in a professional design organization like AIGA, helps me stay current in my design community and the industry as a whole.

6:35pm:We spend the hour going over upcoming events, membership numbers, brainstorming for future events, etc. The meetings are scheduled for an hour but always go over.

8:00pm: I finally make it home!  I take off my shoes and curl up on the couch.

9:30pm: I check my work emails and responded to a few questions.  I close my computer and turn on the tv.

10:00pm:  After going over my mental checklist, I finally doze off to sleep.

Until tomorrow…